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HOSREM - Ho Chi Minh City Society for Reproductive Medicine

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on Monday 29-06-2015 9:39am
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JULY 2015

Volume 213



Obesity and perioperative pulmonary complications in robotic gynecologic surgery 
Weiya Z. Wysham, Kenneth H. Kim, Jared M. Roberts, Stephanie A. Sullivan, Sukhkamal B. Campbell, Dario R. Roque, Dominic T. Moore, Paola A. Gehrig, John F. Boggess, John T. Soper, Warner K. Huh 
Randomized trial of a single incision versus an outside-in transobturator midurethral sling in women with stress urinary incontinence: 12 month results 
Joseph K.-S. Lee, Anna Rosamilia, Peter L. Dwyer, Yik N. Lim, Reinhold Muller 
Identification of novel mechanisms involved in generating localized vulvodynia pain 
Megan L. Falsetta, David C. Foster, Collynn F. Woeller, Stephen J. Pollock, Adrienne D. Bonham, Constantine G. Haidaris, Christopher J. Stodgell, Richard P. Phipps 
Lifetime physical activity and female stress urinary incontinence 
Ingrid E. Nygaard, Janet M. Shaw, Tyler Bardsley, Marlene J. Egger 
Spatial analysis of advanced-stage ovarian cancer mortality in California 
Robert E. Bristow, Jenny Chang, Argyrios Ziogas, Daniel L. Gillen, Lu Bai, Veronica M. Vieira 
The role of contraceptive attributes in women’s contraceptive decision making 
Tessa Madden, Gina M. Secura, Robert F. Nease, Mary C. Politi, Jeffrey F. Peipert 
Robotic surgery in supermorbidly obese patients with endometrial cancer
Jean-Marie Stephan, Michael J. Goodheart, Megan McDonald, Jean Hansen, Henry D. Reyes, Anna Button, David Bender 
Amplification of the 3q chromosomal region as a specific marker in cervical cancer 
Thomas C. Wright, John Compagno, Patricia Romano, Vittorio Grazioli, Yogita Verma, Eric Kershnar, Triantafyllos Tafas, Michael W. Kilpatrick 
Is fetal cerebroplacental ratio an independent predictor of intrapartum fetal compromise and neonatal unit admission? 
Asma A. Khalil, José Morales-Rosello, Maddalena Morlando, Hasina Hannan, Amar Bhide, Aris Papageorghiou, Basky Thilaganathan 
The association between fetal Doppler and admission to neonatal unit at term 
Asma A. Khalil, José Morales-Rosello, Malaz Elsaddig, Naila Khan, Aris Papageorghiou, Amar Bhide, Basky Thilaganathan 
The pathway not taken: understanding ‘omics data in the perinatal context 
Andrea G. Edlow, Donna K. Slonim, Heather C. Wick, Lisa Hui, Diana W. Bianchi 
Competing risks model in screening for preeclampsia by maternal characteristics and medical history 
David Wright, Argyro Syngelaki, Ranjit Akolekar, Leona C. Poon, Kypros H. Nicolaides 
Exogenous oxytocin modulates human myometrial microRNAs 
Joanna R. Cook, David A. MacIntyre, Eleni Samara, Sung Hye Kim, Natasha Singh, Mark R. Johnson, Phillip R. Bennett, Vasso Terzidou 
Open Access
Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn due to multiple maternal antibodies 
Kara Beth Markham, Karen Q. Rossi, Haikady N. Nagaraja, Richard W. O’Shaughnessy 
Morbidity and mortality associated with mode of delivery for breech periviable deliveries 
Brownsyne Tucker Edmonds, Fatima McKenzie, Michelle Macheras, Sindhu K. Srinivas, Scott A. Lorch 
Neonatal outcome of very preterm twins: policy of planned vaginal or cesarean delivery 
Loïc Sentilhes, Anne Oppenheimer, Anne-Charlotte Bouhours, Estelle Normand, Bassam Haddad, Philippe Descamps, Loïc Marpeau, François Goffinet, Gilles Kayem 
Prevention and management of postpartum hemorrhage: a comparison of 4 national guidelines 
Joshua D. Dahlke, Hector Mendez-Figueroa, Lindsay Maggio, Alisse K. Hauspurg, Jeffrey D. Sperling, Suneet P. Chauhan, Dwight J. Rouse 
Risk of uterine rupture among women attempting vaginal birth after cesarean with an unknown uterine scar 
Dana Smith, Elizabeth Stringer, Catherine J. Vladutiu, Ashley Hickman Zink, Robert Strauss 
Vaginal progesterone for the prevention of preterm birth in twin gestations: a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind study 
Maria L. Brizot, Wagner Hernandez, Adolfo W. Liao, Roberto E. Bittar, Rossana P.V. Francisco, Vera L.J. Krebs, Marcelo Zugaib 
The role of preanalytical glycolysis in the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus in obese women 
Niamh Daly, Mary Stapleton, Ruth O’Kelly, Brendan Kinsley, Sean Daly, Michael J. Turner 
Does the presence of a condition-specific obstetric protocol lead to detectable improvements in pregnancy outcomes? 
Jennifer L. Bailit, William A. Grobman, Paula McGee, Uma M. Reddy, Ronald J. Wapner, Michael W. Varner, John M. Thorp, Kenneth J. Leveno, Jay D. Iams, Alan T.N. Tita, George Saade, Yoram Sorokin, Dwight J. Rouse, Sean C. Blackwell B. Mercer, C. Milluzzi, W. Dalton, T. Dotson, P. McDonald, C. Brezine, A. McGrail, G. Mallett, M. Ramos-Brinson, A. Roy, L. Stein, P. Campbell, C. Collins, N. Jackson, M. Dinsmoor, J. Senka, K. Paychek, A. Peaceman, M. Talucci, M. Zylfijaj, Z. Reid, R. Leed, J. Benson, S. Forester, C. Kitto, S. Davis, M. Falk, C. Perez, K. Hill, A. Sowles, J. Postma, S. Alexander, G. Andersen, V. Scott, V. Morby, K. Jolley, J. Miller, B. Berg, K. Dorman, J. Mitchell, E. Kaluta, K. Clark, K. Spicer, S. Timlin, K. Wilson, L. Moseley, M. Santillan, J. Price, K. Buentipo, V. Bludau, T. Thomas, L. Fay, C. Melton, J. Kingsbery, R. Benezue, S. Caritis, H. Simhan, M. Bickus, D. Fischer, T. Kamon, D. DeAngelis, P. Shubert, C. Latimer, L. Guzzo, F. Johnson, L. Gerwig, S. Fyffe, D. Loux, S. Frantz, D. Cline, S. Wylie, J. Iams, M. Wallace, A. Northen, J. Grant, C. Colquitt, J. Moss, A. Salazar, A. Acosta, G. Hankins, N. Hauff, L. Palmer, P. Lockhart, D. Driscoll, L. Wynn, C. Sudz, D. Dengate, C. Girard, S. Field, P. Breault, F. Smith, N. Annunziata, D. Allard, J. Silva, M. Gamage, J. Hunt, J. Tillinghast, N. Corcoran, M. Jimenez, F. Ortiz, P. Givens, B. Rech, C. Moran, M. Hutchinson, Z. Spears, C. Carreno, B. Heaps, G. Zamora, J. Tolosa, J. Seguin, M. Rincon, J. Snyder, C. Farrar, E. Lairson, C. Bonino, W. Smith, K. Beach, S. Van Dyke, S. Butcher, E. Thom, M. Rice, Y. Zhao, P. McGee, V. Momirova, R. Palugod, B. Reamer, M. Larsen, T. Williams, C. Spong, S. Tolivaisa, J.P. Van Dorsten 

September 2014 (vol. 211, no. 3, page 288) 
Obstetric outcomes associated with induction of labor after 2 prior cesarean deliveries 
Emily S. Miller, William A. Grobman 

A randomized controlled trial of birth simulation for medical students 
Christopher C. DeStephano, Betty Chou, Silka Patel, Rebecca Slattery, Nancy Hueppchen 
Does the number of forceps deliveries performed in residency predict use in practice? 
Sasha E. Andrews, Meredith J. Alston, Amanda A. Allshouse, Gaea S. Moore, Torri D. Metz 

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