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HOSREM - Ho Chi Minh City Society for Reproductive Medicine

Tin tức
on Monday 04-01-2016 1:31pm
Viết bởi: Administrator

Gestational Diabetes Screening: The International Association of the Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups Compared With Carpenter-Coustan Screening
Feldman, R. Klara; Tieu, Ryan S.; Yasumura, Lyn

Adhesion Barrier Use After Myomectomy and Hysterectomy: Rates and Immediate Postoperative Complications
Tulandi, Togas; Closon, Francois; Czuzoj-Shulman, Nicolas; Abenhaim, Haim

Occult Uterine Sarcoma and Leiomyosarcoma: Incidence of and Survival Associated With Morcellation
Raine-Bennett, Tina; Tucker, Lue-Yen; Zaritsky, Eve; Littell, Ramey D.; Palen, Ted; Neugebauer, Romain; Axtell, Allison; Schultze, Peter M.; Kronbach, David W.; Embry-Schubert, Julia; Sundang, Alvina; Bischoff, Kimberly; Compton-Phillips, Amy L.; Lentz, Scott E

Cause of Preterm Birth as a Prognostic Factor for Mortality
Delorme, Pierre; Goffinet, François; Ancel, Pierre-Yves; Foix-L'Hélias, Laurence; Langer, Bruno; Lebeaux, Cécile; Marchand, Laetitia Martin; Zeitlin, Jennifer; Ego, Anne; Arnaud, Catherine; Vayssiere, Christophe; Lorthe, Elsa; Durrmeyer, Xavier; Sentilhes, Loïc; Subtil, Damien; Debillon, Thierry; Winer, Norbert; Kaminski, Monique; D'Ercole, Claude; Dreyfus, Michel; Carbonne, Bruno; Kayem, Gilles

A Core Outcome Set for Evaluation of Interventions to Prevent Preterm Birth
van 't Hooft, Janneke; Duffy, James M. N.; Daly, Mandy; Williamson, Paula R.; Meher, Shireen; Thom, Elizabeth; Saade, George R.; Alfirevic, Zarko; Mol, Ben Willem J.; Khan, Khalid S.; on behalf of the Global Obstetrics Network (GONet)

Trends in Severe Maternal Morbidity After Assisted Reproductive Technology in the United States, 2008–2012
Martin, Angela S.; Monsour, Michael; Kissin, Dmitry M.; Jamieson, Denise J.; Callaghan, William M.; Boulet, Sheree L.

Association Between Patient Characteristics and Treatment Procedure Among Patients With Uterine Leiomyomas
Borah, Bijan J.; Laughlin-Tommaso, Shannon K.; Myers, Evan R.; Yao, Xiaoxi; Stewart, Elizabeth A.

Lack of Availability of Antenatal Vaccination Information on Obstetric Care Practice Web Sites
Chamberlain, Allison T.; Koram, Allison L.; Whitney, Ellen A.S.; Berkelman, Ruth L.; Omer, Saad B.

Changes in Hysterectomy Trends After the Implementation of a Clinical Pathway
Sanei-Moghaddam, Amin; Ma, Tianzhou; Goughnour, Sharon L.; Edwards, Robert P.; Lounder, Paula J.; Ismail, Naveed; Comerci, John T.; Mansuria, Suketu M.; Linkov, Faina
Racial and Ethnic Differences Between Obstetrician–Gynecologists and Other Adult Medical Specialists
Rayburn, William F.; Xierali, Imam M.; Castillo-Page, Laura; Nivet, Marc A.

Ovarian Cancer Treatment and Survival Trends Among Women Older Than 65 Years of Age in the United States, 1995–2008
Lin, Jenny J.; Egorova, Natalia; Franco, Rebeca; Prasad-Hayes, Monica; Bickell, Nina A.

Utilization of Minimally Invasive Surgery in Endometrial Cancer Care: A Quality and Cost Disparity
Fader, Amanda N.; Weise, R. Matsuno; Sinno, Abdulrahman K.; Tanner, Edward J. III; Borah, Bijan J.; Moriarty, James P.; Bristow, Robert E.; Makary, Martin A.; Pronovost, Peter J.; Hutfless, Susan; Dowdy, Sean C.

Utilization and Outcomes of Ovarian Conservation in Premenopausal Women With Endometrial Cancer
Wright, Jason D.; Jorge, Soledad; Tergas, Ana I.; Hou, June Y.; Burke, William M.; Huang, Yongmei; Hu, Jim C.; Ananth, Cande V.; Neugut, Alfred I.; Hershman, Dawn L.

Influence of Lymphadenectomy on Survival for Early-Stage Endometrial Cancer
Wright, Jason D.; Huang, Yongmei; Burke, William M.; Tergas, Ana I.; Hou, June Y.; Hu, Jim C.; Neugut, Alfred I.; Ananth, Cande V.; Hershman, Dawn L.

Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring During Surgical Correction of Spontaneous Pneumothorax During Pregnancy: Lessons in In Utero Resuscitation
Wilson, Bailey; Burt, Bryan; Baker, Byron; Clark, Steven L.; Belfort, Michael; Gandhi, Manisha
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